Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Section Binding in MvvmCross's MonoTouch.Dialog - Awesomeness from Alexey

Last month Alexey published some extensions to our MvvmCross vNext Dialog port which allow Dialog Sections to be dynamically bound to collections.

This enables you to load (and bind) your sections direct from ObservableCollections - which is awesome.

The code is on https://github.com/asednev/MvvmCross.AlexeysExtensions - complete with:
  • a really good Readme.md showing how to use the new BindableSection generic element.
  • a full sample too

This is awesome - and earns Alexey a huge badge of awesomeness! Thanks Alexey!


  1. I wish I talked to you during Evolve. You've got to fix up the account (and picture).


    1. thanks - drats that we didn't get to meet in Austin. I've fixed the Twitter links - hope it's OK if the picture stays :)

    2. thanks for updating the link.

      guess I should've been more clear - that's not my picture.

    3. lol - I **really** want to keep that picture now :) I'll go off onto the interweb - see if I can find a picture of you somewhere :)

  2. at least my wife will know this isn't my girlfriend cause it isn't me :)
